A Message from EntreEd’s Executive Director, Dr. Gene Coulson
To all our grant partners, sub awardees, and friends,
First, we have worked for years in Eastern Kentucky with many folks who have become good friends. As we see the devastation created by recent floods, we keep them in our thoughts and hope for a quick recovery.
The Fostering Self ESTEAM (Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in Appalachia’s Emerging Workforce grant is now concluded. As the EntreEd team looks back on the relationships we have built over the last 5-6 years, we are so grateful to have worked with you. Despite the pandemic, I am confident that together, we have delivered entrepreneurship education to thousands of students in rural Appalachia. We couldn’t have done it without the wonderful and very gratifying support we received from all of you.
From our grant partners at The EdVenture Group, the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship, and the National Center for Resource Development to our local community colleges, education service agencies, and K-12 participants, we assembled a great multistate team and did good work in the face of tough circumstances and quick pivots. I am so thankful for your effort and commitment to entrepreneurship education. EntreEd is also grateful to the Appalachian Regional Commission and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation for their continued support and for providing our team the flexibility to meet the needs of our education communities and local schools to get the best possible outcomes in the advancement of entrepreneurship education.
EntreEd will continue supporting and enhancing entrepreneurship education efforts across Appalachia and the nation. Please know we plan to be calling you again in the future to partner in some more great work.
Executive Director